Hit JOY to peep Anna’s tablescape story.

Select FOR to follow Morgan’s tablescape journey.


A Tablescape Collaboration with Morgan Dyer and Anna Stabler

What was the last thing you made for the joy of it? 

It’s a skill we don’t talk about enough in hustle and bustle culture, letting joy lead the process. Not letting comparative, competitive, or self-doubt thoughts get in the way. Is it making you giddy? Are we having fun? Was something “ooo” and “ahh” evoking? Like when sunset hits the disco ball in the window at just the right angle and the whole room explodes with mirror ball magic?

While Anna Stabler lives in bustling Brooklyn, New York, Morgan Dyer’s pace runs slower in seaside Rockport, MA. What they both have in common is their love for a tablescape surrounded by those they love, art, food, and good conversation. The beauty of the tablescape can happen anywhere–at any time. A picnic in the park or beach, a quick Sunday drive down the backshore with snacks atop the center console. Impromptu pizza and wine with friends passing by the neighborhood; a book club dinner on Zoom. They both encourage each other to notice these moments as they’re happening and make them special. 

During the pandemic, they found themselves creating space for the smaller gifted moments, they created handmade goods to reflect and use in these moments… for the joy of it. The tablescape series is a pen-pal quarantine story that will continue throughout all four seasons, the first being Winter. 

Winter 2021 Edition

The Winter For Joy tablescape base starts with Anna’s cobalt blue hand-ice-dyed tablecloth. Together, both artists worked off of a rough palette inspired by ocean sunsets, rich blues, and a bright orange-red ombré. ‘Comparison is the thief of joy’ is hand-chain-stitched into the center of the tablecloth, a mantra that had to be repeated throughout the process of this collaboration to remind ourselves of our intention– joy.

Mixed into the ‘scape are mini-Morgan Dyer paintings taking form in vibrant orange sunset napkin sets and elegant canvas wine bags detailed with Morgan’s signature blue strokes.

Each took a turn taking the made pieces and building a tablescape story. Follow the links below to enjoy each artist's take on building a setting about and FOR JOY.